Category: Fine ArtPage 2 of 2

After the Storm

In the Spring, I assisted at what was to be the last After Dark Education. I’ve written before about what an amazing event, non-conference, learning exploration, and I’m sure I’ll…

Up and Away

How does one find inspiration? One photographer I admire, Chuck Arlund, has posted some photos that he’s been working on recently inspired by random lines taken out a…

Julia dances with faeries

She’s not your normal, caught-up-in-the-modern-world teen, this Julia. Not quite 16, she has grand ideas of how to evangelize and be a Catholic apologetic. As we walked to…

Making an outfit

Sure, I can sew. A straight line. In fact, I am pleased to announce that I made curtains for my bathroom last week. Actually, it was not exactly…


Lately, I’ve been playing with the concept of getting as many different “locations” out of one area by my house. This actually was taken by our high school…

Naomi’s Field

This photo was actually taken as we were getting ready to leave after shooting “Broken”. Naomi was actually getting bitten by mosquitoes, and the grass loomed high up…


There’s this house not far from where I live, where I used to see children playing in the front yard. This summer, the grass got longer and longer…

Golden Lake

On a particularly cold November morning, my daughter and I went out just before sunrise to explore a lake at sunrise. As it had been a little warmer…


In a wooded area not terribly far from my house is this beautiful hill with several trees on the top. It overlooks a small lake / pond and…