Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.
~Robert F. Kennedy

Some thrive on change.  For most of us, change is very difficult. Maybe we know we need to change but don’t know where to start. Perhaps we know where to start but lack the motivation.

Change can be painful, and we as humans typically try to avoid pain whenever possible. Our bodies have these cool things called “proprioceptors” [proh-pree-uhsep-ters], which tell us when things are hot/cold, soft/hard, comfortable/painful. They provide critical feedback about our bodies. If we didn’t have them, we would not be able to realize we were burning ourselves until we saw smoke or smelled burning flesh. Not good.

Familiarity breeds comfort; change is often associated with discomfort.

Here are 7 problems associated with change and how we can make it easier.
  1. We’re not convinced we need change. Maybe things are just peachy the way they are. No need to read on, then! However, you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. My husband and I make enough money to pay the bills, but we have no retirement or passive income. He is currently guiding us through a very big business change. I don’t like it, because I have to think differently and outside my comfort zone,  but I can see the potential.
  2. You don’t know where to start. Make a list, just as it comes to mind. Then organize it in order of importance. Cross a task off once it’s complete.
  3. You are overwhelmed. Break the goal down into smaller tasks. For instance, if you want to build a website in WordPress but don’t know where to start, you might break it down:~What is my goal? (Do you want to have a blog post or showcase a portfolio? Identify what you want to do and write it down. This will help organize your thoughts.)~How do I start? Research that!~Schedule certain times to work on blog without interruption.~Work on the easiest page first, such as the About Me. You’ll have one task to cross off right away!
  4. It’s difficult for us to objectively assess our status. I think I know what my failings are, what I need to work on. It’s not fun to have that reinforced objectively by a boss or a friend. You might have to take a large piece of Humble Pie. However, it’s what will allow us to grow, if we understand that it’s for our best.
  5. We don’t have the resources we need to facilitate change. I have discovered there’s a big difference between what we can actually afford and what we WANT to afford. Cut back where you can. I could save $657 per year if I stopped going to the local convenince store each day to buy myself a drink.When I wanted a new telephoto lens, I stopped going out to eat and saved what I would have spent. Do your research–I know of a number of business ventures that have failed terribly because of lack of due diligence. The internet is a valuable source of information. Find forums where you can ask questions. Are there DIY options for say, a video rig?If you truly have no way to cut back, consider crowd funding, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.” Or go through your closet and see if you can sell some old clothes. Have old Legos? You can sell them on ebay!
  6. We fear change isn’t worth the effort. We want someone to guarantee that we will make money or a relationship will become better. There are no guarantees.Will our time be work the effort? Only time will tell! But if you don’t try, you may always wonder. If you are happy being complacent and don’t want to “waste” time branching out, then it will be not worth your effort. If your glass is half full and you’re willing to toil away for some time for maybe some good results and possibly some outstanding ones, then go for it! You will hopefully learn from mistakes you may have made.
  7. Our past failures may indicate future ones. There are many notable failures, but these people kept trying.

    How about Abraham Lincoln? He failed in business in 1831, lost the state legislature race of 1831, lost his job 1832 and couldn’t get into law school. Began a business in 1833 by borrowing money from a friend and lost it all. Spent the rest of his life paying it back. 1834 WON state legislature campaign. 1835 fiancee died-Lincoln had a nervous breakdown. 1838, 1840, 1843: defeated in runs for state legislature, electorship, Congress. Lost races later again for other positions but somehow managed to be elected President of the US in 1860.

    Henry ford failed and went broke 5 times before he succeeded.

Change is hard, especially if you don’t have someone to talk with. I personally pray each day that I will have the grace to follow the path that’s meant for me to be.

Weigh the pros and cons. Get support. Be realistic. Remember that failure can  merely be a stepping stone on your future success.

What ways do you find makes a changing path easier or more pleasant? I’d love to hear your comments!